Spotted Mackibut (skill node): Difference between revisions

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{{Variants|Mackibut (skill node)}}
{{Infobox Skill Node
|name = Spotted Mackibut
|image1 = [[File:Spotted_Mackibut_Spotted Mackibut (skill_nodeskill node).png]]
|release = 2024-11-06
|episode = Hopeport
|variant = [[Mackibut (skill node)]]
|passive = Yes
|examine =
|examine=A small fish, destined to be packed in a big crate.
|profession_a = Fisher
|profession_a_level = 25}}
'''Spotted MackibutMackibuts''' are a type of [[Fisher]] skill node.
Consumes [[Grubby Grubs]]
{{LocLine|loc=Salty Swine|quantity=3}}
== Locations Drops==
{{LocationList|Salty Swine}}
== Drops ==
{{DropsLine|name=Spotted Mackibut|quantity=1|frequency=Always}}
==Update history==
* {{UL|update=2024-11-06|date=6 November 2024}}
** Added to game.