Spirit Essence: Difference between revisions

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** Head to the [[Guard's Archive]] and interact with the Safe Box north (the one on the right). The code to open it is 1007 - Place the [[Portrait]] inside.
*** Go back and speak with [[Captain Waltain]] who directs you to the [[Merchants Guild]].
* Head to the [[Merchants Guild]] and Speak with [[Baldwin VrancVranch]] to find out [[Captain Waltain]] has the paperweight. The Chandelier is in the Vandere house but is missing, and the Metal grate was sold to the council office.
* Head to the [[Council Office]] just outside to the north-east of [[Merchants Guild]].
** Speak to [[Crenopolis Planning Officer]] about the Metal Grate and find out she requires a Form 391d before telling you what happened to the grate.
