Spined Cockroach: Difference between revisions

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== Drops ==
As with all monsters, theirin dropaddition table has several variants depending onto the player's faction. Onmonster-factionspecific equipmentdrops maylisted be dropped at any raritybelow, rangingthey fromhave levela 170high tochance 173,of withrolling higheronce raritieson droppingthe at[[Equipment adrop reducedtable#Faction probability.equipment Off-tables|faction equipment intendedtable]] tofor beitems usedranging forfrom infusionlevel is170 alwaysto dropped as Rare173. Current drop rates and ranges are tentative and should not be considered final.{{DropsTableHead}}
=== Universal ===
{{DropsLine|name=Hardened Cockroach Mandible|quantity=1-2|frequency=Common}}
