Outlaw is a variant monster found in Hopeforest. They attack with Impact damage, are not immune to any damage type, and are vulnerable to Arborae damage.

Locations Edit

Variants Edit

 MonsterUnlocked atCombat Level
Ragged Outlaw.pngRagged Outlaw00
Disreputable Outlaw.pngDisreputable Outlaw1016
Mean Outlaw.pngMean Outlaw2847
Gaudy Outlaw.pngGaudy Outlaw6382
Sneaky Outlaw.pngSneaky Outlaw107126
Nimble Outlaw.pngNimble Outlaw152171
Tough Outlaw.pngTough Outlaw191227
Notorious Outlaw.pngNotorious Outlaw308372

Update history Edit

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.