Module:Infobox: Difference between revisions

When a parameter is nil, make sure the function is called with it being set to nil (previously, all other parameters would be shifted left one)
(Renaming attribute 'data-default-version' to 'data-default-index' for consistency)
(When a parameter is nil, make sure the function is called with it being set to nil (previously, all other parameters would be shifted left one))
(30 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
Line 4:
-- <nowiki>
-- Edit button for unknown params
local editbutton = require('Module:Edit button')
local smwutils = require('Module:SMW Utils')
local Infobox = {}
Infobox.__index = Infobox
Line 24:
args_smw = {}, -- parameters parsed for smw
infobox_name = nil, -- template name
classes = {}, -- list of classes to add, using the default_version
param_names = {}, -- ordered param list
params = {}, -- param definitions
Line 58 ⟶ 59:
function Infobox.param(param_name)
local param = {
property = 'args_parsed',
param_name = param_name,
Line 71 ⟶ 72:
function Infobox.raw_param(param_name)
local param = {
property = 'args_raw',
param_name = param_name,
Line 84 ⟶ 85:
function Infobox.smw_param(param_name)
local param = {
property = 'args_smw',
param_name = param_name,
Line 171 ⟶ 172:
-- Add the switch data if multiple values exist
local data_attr_param = self:add_switch_data(v.content)
if data_attr_param then
_cell:attr('data-attr-param', data_attr_param)
Line 194 ⟶ 195:
return self
Line 209:
-- config: table containing configuration parameters
---- infobox_name = mandatory unique identifier for this infobox, used for css
---- max_buttuonsmax_buttons = max number of switch buttons before using a dropdown list instead
function Infobox:config(config)
Line 217:
elseif k == 'max_buttons' then
self.max_buttons = tonumber(v)
elseif k == 'class' then
if type(v) == 'string' then
self.versionsclasses = 0{v}
elseif type(v) == 'table' then
self.classes = v
Line 232 ⟶ 238:
function Infobox:parse_versions()
local function insert_version_name(version_name)
table.insert(self.version_names, self.args_raw['version'] or 'DEFAULT'version_name)
if smwutils.valid_subobject_name(version_name) == false then
table.insert(self.errors, 'Illegal version value: must not be "0" nor contain a "." in the first five characters')
-- Count the versions and setup self.version_names
local i = 1
while self.args_raw['version'..i] do
table.insertinsert_version_name(self.version_names, self.args_raw['version'..i])
i = i + 1
self.versions = i - 1
-- Handle the no version case - check for a custom version_name
if self.versions == 0 then
table.insert(self.version_names, self.args_raw['version'] or 'DEFAULT')
-- Should either have 0 or 2+ versions
if self.versions == 1 then
table.insert(self.errors, 'There should be multiple versions or no versions. If defining a custom version name for a single entry, use "version=Name" instead of "version1=Name".')
self.versions = 0
-- Handle the no version case - check for a custom version_name
if self.versions == 0 then
insert_version_name(self.args_raw['version'] or 'DEFAULT')
self.versions = 1
-- Check for a default_version
Line 356 ⟶ 369:
local func_params = func.params
local func_fetched_params = {}
local i = 1
for _, func_param in ipairs(func_params) do
table.insert(func_fetched_params,[i] = self:get_param(func_param, version))
i = i + 1
return func_name(unpack(func_fetched_params))
Line 396 ⟶ 411:
for key_, _class in pairsipairs(self.categoriesclasses) do
local class_name = self:get_param(class, self.default_version)
if type(class_name) == 'string' then
self.rtable:addClass('infobox-', '%s', '_'))
-- Create the switch datatable if multiple versions
if self.versions > 1 then
Line 403 ⟶ 424:
self.switch_datatable:tag('span'):wikitext('Versions: '..self.versions)
self.switch_datatable:tag('span'):wikitext('Default version: '..self.default_version)
return self
Line 429 ⟶ 448:
-- Create all the buttons
for version=1, self.versions do
local button = buttons:tag('span')
:attr('data-switch-index', version)
:attr('data-switch-anchor', '#'..self.version_names[version])
-- In case of dropdown list, hide the buttons as the switch gadget will convert them to a dropdown list - we can't directly create the dropdown list here as the select/option tags are rejected by wikitext
if self.versions > self.max_buttons then
Line 445 ⟶ 468:
-- Generate a subobject name
-- Reminder - subobject name cannot have a . in the first 5 characters
local subobject_name = 'Infobox.''#'..self.version_names[version]
-- Store each param that has smw_property defined and is not nil
local subobject = {Infobox = self.infobox_name} -- Also store the current Infobox name
for _, param_name in ipairs(self.param_names) do
local property = self.params[param_name].smw_property
if property then
local value = self:get_param(self.smw_param(param_name), version)
if value ~= nil then
subobject[property] = value
Line 461 ⟶ 484:
-- Save subobjects if not in mainspace
if mw.title.getCurrentTitle():inNamespace(0) then
local result = mw.smw.subobject(subobject, subobject_name)true
if self.versions == 1 then
result = mw.smw.set(subobject)
result = mw.smw.subobject(subobject, subobject_name)
if result ~= true then
table.insert(self.errors, 'SMW error: '..result.error)
Line 499 ⟶ 527:
function Infobox:add_switch_data(content)
if self.versions <= 12 then
return false
Line 527 ⟶ 555:
name = 'smw__' + name
local data_param = self.switch_datatable:tag('span'):attr('data-attr-param', name)
-- Add each version to the datatable
for version=1, self.versions do
local text = self:get_param(content, version)
if text == nil then
text = self.params[content.param_name].empty
Line 552 ⟶ 580:
-- Create categories
local category_text = ''
if mw.title.getCurrentTitle():inNamespace(0) then
for key, _ in pairs(self.categories) do
for key, _ in pairs(self.categories) do
category_text = category_text..'[[Category:'..key..']]'
local dump = ''
if self.args_raw.__dump then
setmetatable(self, nil)
dump = '<nowiki>''</nowiki>'
setmetatable(self, Infobox)
return tostring(self.rtable) .. tostring(self.switch_datatable) .. error_text .. category_text .. dump
