
Revision as of 20:04, 1 December 2024 by Gau Cho (talk | contribs) (Add Venture small icon)
.leaflet-wiki-coordinates.leaflet-control {
    margin: 0;
    color: white;
    padding: 5px 10px;
    filter: drop-shadow(0 0 2px black);

@square: 3px;
@circle: 50%;

@none: ~'';
@chef: #9C8474;
@fisher: #98D3CC;
@forager: #DDDB93;
@alchemist: #83C8A1;
@gatherer: #C8C87C;
@woodcutter: #78C86C;
@carpenter: #9C8A7C;
@bonewright: #B0B897;
@miner: #749696;
@blacksmith: #B4A432;
@stonemason: #808789;
@detective: #5AB2BE;
@leatherworker: #866E62;
@merchant: #78B492;
@palette: #DEDAD4;
@item: #90908C;
@obstacle: #927DCE;
@neutral: #C0925A;
@aggressive: #D75650;

// classname color icon shape
// All these icons should also be found here:
@icons: guard none Guard @circle,
    chef chef Chef @square,
	fisher fisher Fisher @circle,
	forager forager Forager @square,
	alchemist alchemist Alchemist @square,
    scout none Scout @circle,
	gatherer gatherer Gatherer @square,
	woodcutter woodcutter Woodcutter @square,
	carpenter carpenter Carpenter @square,
    minefighter none Minefighter @circle,
	bonewright bonewright Bonewright @square,
	miner miner Miner @square,
	blacksmith blacksmith Blacksmith @square,
	stonemason stonemason Stonemason @square,
    watchperson none Watchperson @circle,
	detective detective Detective @square,
	leatherworker leatherworker Leatherworker @square,
	merchant merchant Merchant @square,
    bank none Bank @square,
	clipboard chef Clipboard @square,
	enchantress item Enchantress @circle,
	hairdresser obstacle Hairdresser @circle,
	item item Item @square,
	talk item Talk @circle,
	obelisk item Obelisk @square,
    obstacle obstacle Obstacle @square,
	palette palette Palette @square,
	portal_stone item Portal_Stone @square,
	recipe none Recipe @square,
	search item Search @square,
    shop none Shop @circle,
	storage item Storage @square,
	venture none Venture @square;

@themes: aggressive aggressive,
	neutral neutral;

.generate-map-icon-rules(@classname, @color, @image, @shape) {
    .leaflet-marker-icon-icon-@{classname} {
        background: @@color url('/images/@{image}_small_icon.png') no-repeat center / contain;
        border-radius: @shape;
.generate-map-theme-rules(@classname, @color) when (@classname = @color) {
    .leaflet-marker-icon-theme-@{classname} {
        background-color: @@color;

// Highlight bad unclassified entities in red to catch errors
.leaflet-marker-icon-entity {
    background-color: red;
each(@icons, {
    @classname: extract(@value, 1);
    @color: extract(@value, 2);
    @image: extract(@value, 3);
    @shape: extract(@value, 4);
    .generate-map-icon-rules(@classname, @color, @image, @shape);
each(@icons, {
    @classname: extract(@value, 1);
    @color: extract(@value, 2);
    .generate-map-theme-rules(@classname, @color)
each(@themes, {
    @classname: extract(@value, 1);
    @color: extract(@value, 2);
    .generate-map-theme-rules(@classname, @color)
.leaflet-marker-icon-shape-circle {
    border-radius: @circle;
.leaflet-marker-icon-shape-square {
    border-radius: @square;