Hairbeast is a variant monster found in Hopeport. They attack with Tempestae damage, are immune to Tempestae damage, and are vulnerable to Necromae damage.


 MonsterUnlocked atCombat Level
Feral Hairbeast.pngFeral Hairbeast010
Tangled Hairbeast.pngTangled Hairbeast1833
Lumbering Hairbeast.pngLumbering Hairbeast6685
Shaggy Hairbeast.pngShaggy Hairbeast115135
Hefty Hairbeast.pngHefty Hairbeast169188
Savage Hairbeast.pngSavage Hairbeast245308
Psychic Hairbeast.pngPsychic Hairbeast390453


Update history

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.