Flathead Roasted Sturlet: Difference between revisions

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'''Flathead Roasted Sturlet''' is an item that can be obtained from cooking [[itemFlathead Sturlet]] in the [[Oven]] in [[The Delectable Dab Kitchen]].
It is used in the [[Passive activities]] for the [[Chef]] profession.
{{Infobox Recipe
| output1qtyexp = 122
| mat1qtylevel = 171
| expprofession = 22Chef
| facility = Oven
| rawmat1 = Flathead Sturlet
| rawmat1qty = 1
| output1 = Flathead Roasted Sturlet
| rawmat2 =
| rawmat2qty = 1
| level = 71
| profession = Chef
| facility = Oven
| output1 = Flathead Roasted Sturlet
