Fisher: Difference between revisions

58 bytes added ,  6 November 2024
Lonely Pufferfish Updated
(Gray Eel update)
(Lonely Pufferfish Updated)
Line 78:
|Lonely Pufferfish
|225 Copper
|Sell for Money
|Wilhope Crossing
|Spear Fishing
Starting out, you'll need to purchase a Fishing Spear from the fishing shop located inside Hopeport in the store of Melv's Fishing Supplies. Melv's Fishing Supplies is located off of the east side of the Town Square, South of the Guard HQ. You'll then head back to the East Beach where you gathered the Brown Kelp for the Tutorial Quest and spear fish 13 Mottled Flounder until you hit level 2. Initially, fish are only useful for selling to the fish monger, but check the information tab on your fish, certain ones are useful for different recipes and can be stored in the Ingredients Bank that lies within the back of The Delectable Dab Restaurant (The Delectable Dab Kitchen) which is just off of Stone Street, just south of the Guard HQ.
