
From Brighter Shores Wiki
Revision as of 14:39, 25 March 2024 by Logg (talk | contribs) (So you want to join the Hopeport town guard? Then here's what you need to know: we're not just about fighting firetoads...!)
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Firetoads are monsters found in caves. The Hopeport town guard fights firetoads regularly, to the point where it might at first glance be mistaken that that is all they do.[1]

Being that players first enter the game as members of the Hopeport town guard, it is anticipated that fighting firetoads will be one of the most common ways that players initially improve their combat abilities.


  • Firetoads were the first named monsters to be presented to players, in the original trailer for the game.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 FenResearch. "Brighter Shores Trailer" (in 00:01 - 00:09). Youtube video. 13 May 2024.