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The following table shows the relationship between the profession level, the experience required for that level, and the experience difference from the previous level:
{{Experience table}}
== Experience figures ==
The following figures show the required experience per level and cumulative experience:
[[File:Required Experience.png|Required Experience gain for Level up]]
[[File:Cumulative Experience.png|Cumulative Experience per Level]]
Since the experience scales quite significantly, here the figures are repeated with a logarithmic exp-axis:
[[File:Required Experience Logarithmic.png|Required Experience gain for Level up in logarithmic scale]]
[[File:Cumulative Experience logarithmic.png|Cumulative Experience per Level in a logarithmic scale]]
== Required experience amount breakpoints ==
Based on the above table, we can notice a few breakpoints in the experience formula:
For the sake of being rigorous, the following data has been observed based on an incomplete chart, not datamined.
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Levels 201-500: the required experience per level is once again quadrupled, then every new level requires around 0,60% more experience than the previous one.
To say it differently: at level 20, you've got 4,8% of the experience to level 50, 1% of the experience to level 100, 0,13% of the experience to level 200 and 0,002% of the experience to level 500.
At level 100, you've got 12% of the experience to level 200, and 0,2% of the experience to level 500.
At level 200, you've got 1,5% of the experience to level 500.
At level 350, you've got 30,7% of the experience to level 500.
While I haven't checkedSince the increase in experience gainedgain per action yet,grows Iat assumea itsimilar followsrate athan fairlyexperience similar formula regardingneeded (the percentage increasesincrease), but completelywith ignoresno thebreakpoints, multipliersone atcan specific breakpoints. It'd meanassume that youthe haveamount indirectof penaltiesactions ifrequired youto dolevel underleveledup contentfrom, butlet's thatsay, each21 levelto takes22, ais similarthe amountsame ofthan actionsthe ifone yourequired dofrom "on-level"198 contentto (barring the breakpoint multipliers)199.
Levels 0-20 are certainly made easier for the sake of allowing players to explore new professions quickly.
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'''Impact of knowledge conversion into experience:'''
'''Additional data needed:'''
Levels 20-200: converting one knowledge point into experience grants 25% of a level.
Levels 201-500: it grants 6,25% of a level. This is logical: since levels 200+ take four times more actions, having knowledge granting 25% of a level would mean post 200 leveling would rely mostly on knowledge conversion, which would feel weird for sure.
Providing exp gained per action isn't quadrupled either for levels 201+, it would be interesting to know whether converting knowledge into experience ends up being the fastest way to level past this point, considering knowledge conversion seems to be granting around 20-25% of a full level. I don't have a high level skill personally so additional data would be very helpful.
