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Templates used |
Calculators/Bonewright |
This is a calculator for the Bonewright profession.
Explanatory notes[edit | edit source]
- This calculator shows the total XP needed to reach a specified target from the current level or XP, and for the available profession training methods, how many of that item or activity would be needed to earn that amount of XP.
- By default the target is the next level at which you unlock a new recipe, but this can be set to a specified level or XP instead, or a specified type of unlock.
- If using XP potions, the cost of the potions may be included in the cost of the different training methods.
- The calculator includes options for buying bones from Jangle's Bone Shop, and timber from the Timber Merchant Shop.
- The time for each recipe is for taking materials from the Timber Bank and Bones Bank, using the different stations, discarding the weapons.
- Knowledge gained whilst training may be spent on Bonewright, or on another profession. Knowledge cannot be spent on any profession below level 20.
- Passive activities below the highest level available will suffer a 50% XP penalty, which has been included in this calculator.
For an explanation of how calculators work, see Brighter Shores:Calculators.
To add[edit | edit source]
- Time spent purchasing timber from the Timber Merchant Shop is not accounted for.
- Time spent purchasing bones from Jangle's Bone Shop is not accounted for.
- Time spent depositing selling weapons to the Quartermaster Shop is not accounted for.
- The sell value of the weapons has not been included, as it is not yet understood.
- Actions per hour is not affected by reduced inventory space from carrying XP Potions.
If there is a feature you would like to be added to this calculator, edit this page, add it to the talk page, or visit the discord.
Calculator[edit | edit source]
template = Template:Calculators/Bonewright
form = BonewrightCalcForm
result = BonewrightCalcResult
param = activity_type|Activity type|Level|buttonselect|Active,Passive,Both|Active,Both=include_brewing|Which types of activity you wish this calculator to include.
param = include_brewing|Include Brewing|true|check|||Include the Brewing XP for creating weapons and shields.
param = current_toggle|Current|Level|buttonselect|Level,Experience|Level=current_lvl;Experience=current_xp|How you wish to specify the current status of your character.
param = current_lvl| Bonewright level|0|int|0-500||The current level you have.
param = current_xp|
Bonewright experience|0|int|0-1861867989||The current experience you have.
param = target_toggle|Target|Next unlock|buttonselect|Next unlock,Level,Experience|Next unlock=target_unlock;Level=target_lvl;Experience=target_xp|The type of target for this calculator.
param = target_lvl|
Bonewright level|1|int|1-500||The target level to reach.
param = target_xp|
Bonewright experience|1|int|1-1861867989||The target experience to reach.
param = target_unlock|Unlock type|Either|buttonselect|Active,Passive,Either||Which type of unlocked activity you wish to use as the target level.
param = potion|
XP Mine Potion|None|buttonselect|None, 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 10%|5%,6%=include_pot_cost;7%,8%,10%=include_pot_cost_noshop|Which strength of XP Potion you wish to use, for both active and passive potions.
param = econ|Economics||group|include_pot_cost, include_pot_cost_noshop, include_bone_cost, include_timber_cost, sell_weapons||
param = include_pot_cost|Include potion cost|No|buttonselect|No, Ingredients, Potions||Include either the cost of buying the reagents from Potion Reagents or buying the potions directly from The Apothecary Shop.
param = include_pot_cost_noshop|Include potion cost|No|buttonselect|No, Ingredients||Include either the cost of buying the reagents from Potion Reagents, Note that 7% potions and above cannot be purchased directly.
param = include_bone_cost|Include Bone costs|true|check|||Include the cost of buying the bones from Jangle's Bone Shop.
param = include_timber_cost|Include Timber costs|true|check|||Include the cost of buying the timber from the Timber Merchant Shop.
param = sell_weapons|Selling weapons|true|check|||Include the profit of selling the weapons to the Quartermaster.
param = kp|Knowledge||group|knowledge, starting_knowledge||
param = knowledge|
Knowledge spent on|Other profession|buttonselect|Bonewright,Other profession|Bonewright=starting_knowledge|The profession on which you want to use the Knowledge you will gain when training. Chosing "Bonewright" will result in an experimental calculation to do simultaneous training and knowledge.
param = starting_knowledge|
Knowledge at start (%)|0|int|0-99||How much knowledge you have when starting the process.
param = hide_early_diff_group|Low level products||group|hide_early,hide_early_diff||
param = hide_early|Hide low level products|true|toggleswitch||true=hide_early_diff|Don't show products that are too far below your level.
param = hide_early_diff|Levels below current to display|10|int|0-500||How many levels below yours to show products for.