Brighter Shores:User help

Welcome to the Brighter Shores Wiki User Help page. This page is here to offer a central location for those who are participating with the development of this wiki to make general requests for help. For admin help, click here.

Note for requesters - Once a solution has been presented and implemented, please add a comment signifying completion, if the request hasn't already been archived. This is to help other users know when to archive completed requests.

Instructions Edit

What this page is for Edit

  • Coding help. Requesting help with writing templates, making a nice user page, or any questions on writing wiki-code can be asked here and users will help to the best of their ability.
  • Requests for non-administrative actions. If help is required with an action (such as moving a page), asking users here for help with that action is acceptable.
  • Questions on how the wiki works. All the policies and processes in use on the Brighter Shores Wiki may seem a little overwhelming at first. If you need help in understanding any of the policies, or more in depth instructions on a process, asking here is a good start.
  • Other questions to the users of the wiki. While the Forum Grove is often a better place, a simple question may be asked here for a quick response.
  • An all-in-one place to put things. Many of the wiki's procedures are lesser-known, so putting a note here is a good way to do something if the correct procedure is not known.

What this page is not for Edit

  • Requests for actions involving administrator tools. Please use Admin requests for such requests.
  • Larger discussion with other users on policies or other wide-ranging actions. The Forum Grove is a more suitable location to discuss larger changes to the wiki's policies, procedures and high-use templates.
  • General chat (about Brighter Shores or not). General chat about Brighter Shores (or an off-topic subject) should be taken to individual user talk pages, or article talk pages when applicable.

Requests Edit