Battleaxe (strong)

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Basic • Moderate • Fine • Strong • Superior • Perfect

Battleaxe (strong) is a variant of a Battleaxe that has an item level between 184 and 320. Battleaxes within this level range may be crafted by the Blacksmith profession using the relevant materials.

Variants of Battleaxe only differ by their appearance. For all other details about this type of weapon, including the effect of weapon level and Rarity, see the main page on Battleaxes.

Creation[edit | edit source]

FacilityFile:Gnome Forge.png Gnome Forge
Experience10,838 (19,118 total)
Duration30 seconds (59 total)
ProfessionLevelKPAlbum XP
Blacksmith1843%10,476 xp
Raw IngredientQuantityCost
Fine Yew Pole111Silver0Copper
Caric Adathril Ore525Silver800Copper
Total Raw cost36Silver800Copper
Intermediate IngredientQuantityFaciltity
Caric Adathril Ingot5 Gnome Smelter
Battleaxe (strong)10Copper

Update History[edit | edit source]

This information has been manually compiled. Some updates may not be included yet.