Armor: Difference between revisions

84 bytes added ,  27 November
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'''Armor''' are items that [[player character]]s use to mitigate damage in combat.
==Armor Stats==
Armor stats are multiplicative with providing resistance bonuses and are flat damage reductions.
Armor has 6 different stats (resistances) which are as follows:
* [[Impact]]
* [[Cryonae]]
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Each additional star of rarity is equivalent to 15 levels. As such, an item at Epic rarity (4 stars) and level 0 has stats approximately equivalent to the same item at Common rarity (1 star) and level 45.
===Stat Rangesranges===
The total resistance of an item is determined by its level, faction, and rarity, however the individual resistance values for the 6 damage types vary within a range.
Possible modifiers to the ranges:
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* '''Selected Class (confirmed! [[Cryoknight]] rolls lower [[Tempestae]], [[Guardian]] rolls lower [[Cryonae]] and [[Hammermage]] rolls lower [[Arborae]]. These values can be 0 at lvl 0 items)'''
* Area of item drop
''This data is still heavily a work in progress and will change as more data is gathered''
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==Update history==
* {{UL|update=2024-11-06|date=6 November 2024}}
** Added to game.