This guide provides an outlook on training methods to provide you with the knowledge on finding the best methods for your playstyle.

This guide covers multiple methods.

Please check out the full wiki page on Alchemy. This will provide you with a full reference on how the profession functions.

note: Strategies are still being theory-crafted/tested by contributors to the Wiki and Brighter Shores players. Everything is subject to change.

Gameplay loop

Training Alchemist is to obtain reagents, prepare them and brew them. You then have the option of keeping the potions for future use, or selling them to lower cost of experience, or to look for profit.

  1. Making potions requires Reagents, which may be obtained through training other professions or purchased from the Reagents shop. It is always much faster to purchase reagents from the shop, but of course it costs coins. A reasaonable estimate is that it takes 30 seconds to travel from the Apothecary to the Reagents shop, buy an inventory of 24 reagents, and then return to the Apothecary. Reagents can either be immediately used to train alchemy, or deposited into the Potion Reagents Bank if you are stockpiling reagents to make a large batch of potions at once. Note that the reagent shop does not sell each reagents until the player has the Alchemist level to use it.
  2. Reagents are turned into Preparations at the Reagent Preparation Station, requiring 2 specific reagents for each type of potion (except 10% Potion Healing, which only has 1). Each preparation takes 5 seconds to make, or 60 seconds for a full inventory of reagents.
  3. Preparations are brewed into Potions at the Standard Potion Station, requiring one preparation and one bottle per potion. Preparations cannot be banked, so brewing should happen immediately after preparing. Each standard potion takes 7.5 seconds to make, or 87 seconds for a full inventory of reagents.
  4. Finally the potions that you have made can either be kept by storing them in the Potion Bank, or sold to The Apothecary Shop to recover some of the cost put into buying the reagents.

Combining the time for each step of this process, and adding 10 seconds for moving around the Apothecary, means that it is possible to make approximately 227 standard potions per hour. This number increases to 270 potions per hour if there are already reagents stored in the reagent bank.

Buying Reagents Method

Points to Consider

  • This is a balance between saving time by banking less frequently and purchasing the required reagents for each potion from the Potion Reagents shop on the Town Square in Hopeport. For example, if a potion takes one inventory, followed by 2 single potions from the next, we will craft a few more extra potions to offset banking time.
  • The first time you craft any potion, will grant an experience bonus as the potion gets added to the album. This means that sometimes we will finish at difference places, and it will even itself out.
  • Time taken takes into account; Running to Potion Reagents shop from Ebsworth, buying the reagents, running to make all the potions, selling them at Ebsworth and repeating if necessary.
  • Time taken does not take into account reagent buying/storing time using bank.

Levels 0 - 20

Cost based on selling potions
Time Cost Cost/Profit XP Needed
57mins approx -85 Silver 597 Copper 35,642

You will start with  Alchemist and 355 experience in total after being introduced to the profession during the tutorial quests.

You will finish on 20  with 36,562xp, while unlocking knowledge use the profession, and the first passive activity; Grind Slugs.

  • You will need 223 x Bottles to reach Level 20 which costs Silver 460 Copper.
  • Knowledge points can only be spent on a profession if it is Level 20, and they have not been included in this level range.
  • We have 19 trips for this level range
Complete list of reagents to achieve Level 20 with their costs
Total Reagants Individual Cost Cost (Keeping Pots) Cost (Selling Pots)
Brown Kelp x 24 -12 Silver -12 Silver -Silver 200 Copper
Horn Shell x 12 -Silver 800 Copper -13 Silver 200 Copper -Silver 320 Copper
White Periwinkle x 12 -Silver 400 Copper
Mauve Bellplant x 12 -Silver 984 Copper -17 Silver 4 Copper -Silver 564 Copper
Tangled Pond Weed x 12 -Silver 20 Copper
White Water Lily x 16 -14 Silver 976 Copper -30 Silver 784 Copper -13 Silver 344 Copper
Wrinkled Starfish x 16 -15 Silver 808 Copper
Green Hogberries x 18 -23 Silver 760 Copper -55 Silver 440 Copper -Silver 564 Copper
Common Limpet x 18 -31 Silver 680 Copper
Veined Globeplant x 36 -13 Silver 500 Copper -28 Silver 332 Copper -Silver 592 Copper
Faded Dandelion x 36 -14 Silver 832 Copper
Tad Apple x 36 -23 Silver 400 Copper -44 Silver 460 Copper -11 Silver 700 Copper
Bulged Haleberries x 36 -21 Silver 60 Copper
Dull Metallic Tooth x 36 -21 Silver 176 Copper -45 Silver 224 Copper -11 Silver 240 Copper
Crumbly Rock Scale x 36 -24 Silver 48 Copper
Plain White Pearl x 33 -22 Silver 803 Copper -62 Silver 73 Copper -23 Silver 133 Copper
Summerview Grapes x 33 -39 Silver 270 Copper
-253 Silver 513 Copper -81 Silver 137 Copper

Levels 0 - 5

Starting on with 355xp, finishing on with 2,875xp.

Trip Details
Trip# Potion and Amount Reagents and Amount/trip Cost XP/pot XP/total Final XP Album XP Time
1 10% Potion Healing x 24 Brown Kelp x 24 Silver 200 Copper 105 2,520 2,875 355 5mins 30seconds
Reagent Cost
Reagents/Potion Total Cost Potion Profit Overal Cost
Brown Kelp x 24 -12 Silver 10 Silver 800 Copper Silver 200 Copper
  • You've already received the bonus xp for the album craft, during the tutorial.
  • We will start by crafting a full inventory of 10% Potion Healing using a full inventory of Brown Kelp.
  • We choose to do a full inventory as the experience addition from a switch to the 20% Potion Healing is not worth the time wasted in withdrawing extra reagents for 13xp extra, and double the reagents.

Levels 5 - 7

Starting on with 2,875xp, finishing on with 4,572xp.

Trip Details
Trip# Potion and Amount Reagents and Amount/trip Cost XP/pot XP/total Final XP Album XP Time
2 5% Potion XP Hopeport x 12 White Periwinkle x 12
Horn Shell x 12
Silver 320 Copper 118 1,697 4,572 281 3mins
Reagent Cost
Reagents/Potion Cost Initial Cost Potion Profit Overall Cost
Horn Shell x 12 -Silver 800 Copper -13 Silver 200 Copper Silver 880 Copper Silver 320 Copper
White Periwinkle x 12 -Silver 400 Copper

Levels 7 - 8

Starting on with 4,572xp, finishing on with 6,370xp.

Trip# Potion and Amount Reagents and Amount/trip Cost XP/pot XP/total Album XP Final XP Time
3 +40 Potion Strength Arborae x 12 Tangled Pond Weed x 12
Mauve Bellplant x 12
Silver 564 Copper 125 1,798 298 6,370 3mins
Reagents Cost Inital Cost Potion Profit Overall Cost
Mauve Bellplant x 12 Silver 984 Copper 17 Silver 4 Copper 10 Silver 440 Copper Silver 564 Copper
Tangled Pond Weed x 12 Silver 20 Copper

Levels 8 - 10

Starting on with 6,370xp, finishing on 10  with 8,797xp.

Trip# (total) Potion and Amount Reagents and Amount/trip Cost XP/pot XP/total Album XP Final XP Time
4-5 (2) +40 Potion Strength Cryonae x 16 White Water Lily x 16

Wrinkled Starfish x 16

13 Silver 344 Copper 132 2,427 315 8,797 4mins
Reagents Cost Inital Cost Potion Profit Overall Cost
White Water Lily x 16 14 Silver 976 Copper 30 Silver 784 Copper 17 Silver 440 Copper 13 Silver 344 Copper
Wrinkled Starfish x 16 15 Silver 808 Copper
  • The first craft grants a 315xp bonus for adding to the album.
  • We will craft one full inventory of +40 Potion Strength Cryonae, and only need two more for the next potion.
  • Instead of crafting the two required for the next level, we will offset this banking a little by crafting another four.

Levels 10 - 12

Starting on 10  with 8,797xp, finishing on 12  with 11,651xp.

Trip# (total) Potion and Amount Reagents and Amount/trip Cost XP/pot XP/total Album XP Final XP Time
6-7 (2) +40 Potion Strength Tempestae x 18 Green Hogberries x 18
Common Limpet x 18
-490 Copper 140 2,854 334 11,651 5mins
Reagents Cost Inital Cost Potion Profit Overall Cost
Green Hogberries x 18 23 Silver 760 Copper 55 Silver 440 Copper 26 Silver 460 Copper Silver 564 Copper
Common Limpet x 18 31 Silver 680 Copper
  • The first craft grants a 334xp bonus for adding to the album.
  • We will craft offset more banking and switching by crafting 18 potions.

Levels 12 - 14

Starting on 12  with 11,651xp, finishing on 14  with 17,333xp.

Trip# (total) Potion and Amount Reagents and Amount/trip Cost XP/pot XP/total Album XP Final XP Time
8-10 (3) 3 Minute Potion Fear x 36 Veined Globeplant x 36
Faded Dandelion x 36
-490 Copper 148 5,682 354 17,333 9mins
Reagents Cost Inital Cost Potion Profit Overall Cost
Veined Globeplant x 36 13 Silver 500 Copper 28 Silver 332 Copper 25 Silver 740 Copper Silver 592 Copper
Faded Dandelion x 36 14 Silver 832 Copper
  • The first craft grants a 354xp bonus for adding to the album.
  • We will craft three full inventories of potions.

Levels 14 - 16

Starting on 14  with 17,333xp, finishing on 16  with 20,644xp.

Trip# (total) Potion and Amount Reagents and Amount/trip Cost XP/pot XP/total Album XP Final XP Time
11-13 (3) 5% Potion XP Hopeforest Tad Apple x 36

Bulged Haleberries x 36

-490 Copper 157 6,027 375 23,360 9mins
Reagents Cost Inital Cost Potion Profit Overall Cost
Tad Apple x 36 23 Silver 400 Copper 44 Silver 460 Copper 32 Silver 760 Copper 11 Silver 700 Copper
Bulged Haleberries x 36 21 Silver 60 Copper
  • The first craft grants a 375xp bonus for adding to the album.
  • We will craft three full inventories of potions.

Levels 16 - 18

Starting on 16  with 23,360xp, finishing on 18  with 29,769xp.

Trip# Potion and Amount Reagents and Amount/trip Cost XP/pot XP/total Album XP Final XP Time
14-16 (3) 5% Potion XP Mine Dull Metallic Tooth x 36

Crumbly Rock Scale x 36

-490 Copper 167 6,409 397 29,769 9mins
Reagents Cost Inital Cost Potion Profit Overall Cost
Dull Metallic Tooth x 36 21 Silver 176 Copper 45 Silver 224 Copper 33 Silver 984 Copper 11 Silver 240 Copper
Crumbly Rock Scale x 36 24 Silver 48 Copper
  • The first craft grants a 397xp bonus for adding to the album.
  • We will craft three full inventories of potions.

Levels 18 - 20

Starting on 18  with 29,769xp, finishing on 20  with 36,562xp.

Trip# Potion and Amount Reagents and Amount/total Cost XP/pot XP/total Album XP Final XP Time
17-19 (4) 5% Potion XP Crenopolis Plain White Pearl x 33
Summerview Grapes x 33
-490 Copper 177 6,793 421 36,562 8mins
Reagents Cost Inital Cost Potion Profit Overall Cost
Plain White Pearl x 33 22 Silver 803 Copper 62 Silver 73 Copper 38 Silver 940 Copper 23 Silver 133 Copper
Summerview Grapes x 33 39 Silver 270 Copper
  • The first craft grants a 421xp bonus for adding to the album.
  • We will craft two full inventories of potions, followed by 9 more potions.
  • This leaves us 35xp over the required level.

Cheapest Strategy

Training to level up to 20 takes approximately 1 hour regardless of the potions created, however the cheapest method costs 25 Silver 693 Copper and takes 66 minutes:

Level 20+: Knowledge and Passive training

Upon reaching level 20, Knowledge and Passive training methods and unlocked.

Knowledge is a game mechanic that that build as you perform activities that award XP, and can be spent on a profession to gain experience that scales with the level of the profession. Knowledge can be gained by any skill and spent in any skill, however knowledge is not able to gained until at least one profession is level 20, and it cannot be spent on a profession until that profession is level 20.

The amount of XP gained by spending knowledge is 25% of the amount needed to level up that profession, or 6.25% for professions above level 200. Making potions awards 1 knowledge point for every 72 potions made (6 inventories, or 3 inventories of 10% healing), so making 288 potions will give 4 points of knowledge for 1 level up of any profession under level 200. It can be spent on Alchemist to speed up training, or on another profession which is more annoying or slow to train. At the above stated rate of 227 standard potions per hour, Alchemist training is able to earn 3.18 knowledge points per hour.

Knowledge can also be spent to unlock passive training activities for Alchemist. These are significantly slower XP than actively making potions, but if a passive training method is started before logging out then the method will continue for up to 24 hours, or until the raw materials run out. It is recommended to always start a passive activity before logging out.

Passive Alchemist activites are of two types:

  • Ebsworth Work that is performed at the Reagent Preparation Station, which uses no materials and awards XP and coins, and is therefore always profitable.
  • Passive Potion making that is performed at the Passive Potion Station, which does require reagents but awards both XP and passive potions in return. Passive potions do not have preaparations, instead they use both reagents and a bottle directly.

The highest level Alchemist passive acitivity that a player has the Alchchemist level to access will give full experience, however any lower levelled passive activities will only award half experience, rounded down. This is true even for passive activites that have not yet been unlocked by spending knowledge. Therefore it is recommended to always unlock the highest level of passive activity for each profession that the player wishes to train passively.

Level 20+: Active training and cost

The fastest experience in Alchemist is always earned by making the highest level potion available to the player.

However, the potion that gives the fastest experience will sometimes be very expensive to make, and so the cost of each potion should also be taken into account. Few potions are actually profitable to make, but it may be preferable to train with a lower levelled potion to save coins.

For example, the level 29 20% Potion Healing is approximately 52,294 XP per hour, but costs 8.09 Copper per XP. However, the level 23 5% Potion XP Stonemaw Hill is approximately 46,610 XP per hour, which is only 11% less, but only costs 0.24 Copper per XP, which is 97% less. It is up to the player to decide if the highest level potion that they have access to is too much of a cost, and if they wish to choose a lower levelled but cheaper alternative.

For levels 20 - 200, assuming that the highest level potion is made, it takes approximately 2.3 to 3.5 hours of making one type of potion, before the next potion is unlocked. Reaching level 200 requires 28.4 million XP. With this method it takes ~80 hours of making potions this way and costs ~70 Gold.

Level 35+: Potent Potions

Starting at level 35, some potions have "Potent" in their name and are brewed differently, serving as a more intensive (but more rewarding) alternative to standard potion making. Potent potions are usually unlocked a few levels after a comparable standard potion, but use different reagents, have stronger effects, and are often lower cost. The other three steps of the gameplay loop are the same, however the brewing step makes use of the Potent Potion Station instead of the standard potion station.

The Potent potion station is a minigame where 4 components of the station must be managed to produce each potion, which takes a minimum of 25 seconds. Consequently, potent potions award more XP per potion than standard potions. With the same assumptions as for the basic gameplay loop, 108 potent potions may be brewed per hour, or 117 if the reagents are already in the reagent bank. Potent potions also award more knowledge than standard potions, at 2.5% per potion, or 1 point for every 33.3 potions made. This means that potent potions also award knowledge faster than standard potions, at 3.24 knowledge points per hour.

The process for efficently operating the potent potion station is to synchronise the separate components:

  1. Interact with the potent potion station with an inventory of preparations to start the process
  2. Interact with the hopper
  3. Interact with the boiler
  4. Interact with the tank
  5. Stand in front of cauldron, and wait for it to reach the level line
  6. Interact with the caudron to produce a potent potion
  7. Repeat steps 2-6 until all potions have been produced. Step 2 may be skipped once all preparations have been loaded into the station.

This process produces one potent potion every 25 seconds, which is the minimum time possible.

Profitable potions

All potions are profitable if the reagents are gathered manually, however even if all reagents are purchased then there are 5 potions which are still profitable to make, all of which are Potent potions.

Level Potion Profit / potion Profit / Hour XP / potion XP / hour
35 28% Potent Potion Healing 891 Copper 96 Silver 228 Copper 556 60,048
62 +60 Potent Potion Strength Arborae 694 Copper 74 Silver 952 Copper 936 101,088
77 +60 Potent Potion Strength Cryonae 700 Copper 75 Silver 600 Copper 1,249 134,892
104 9 Minute Potent Potion Fear Silver 503 Copper 270 Silver 324 Copper 2,100 226,800
131 7% Potent Potion XP Mine Silver 801 Copper 302 Silver 508 Copper 3,531 381,348