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(→‎Unlocks: updated bristled catkin xp rate 300sec/24 gathers to tangled path & back.)
(dewkin chestnut xp rate 300sec per 24 nuts to tangled path rift & back.)
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(banking at rift in tangled path)
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(banking at rift in tangled path)

Revision as of 20:37, 30 November 2024

A player gathering.

Gatherer is a type of profession which can be used to collect various natural resources from within Hopeforest, which may be then used by Chefs, Alchemists and Bonewrights.

As Gathering can take the player character into higher level zones with dangerous creatures that will attack, it is recommended to level the Scout profession in tandem with Gatherer in order to be able to venture past dangerous areas to acquire these valuable resources.


Gatherer equipment can be purchased from Vencent the Shopkeeper located in Timberwell Supplies.

Item Level Cost
File:Hand Rake.png 4 43 Silver 200 Copper
File:Sickle.png 48 122 Silver


Level Unlocks Experience Album Exp Bonus Buy for Sell for Uses Location (# of nodes) Gathering method Respawn time (seconds) Storage exp/hr
0 Veined Globeplant 63 375 Copper 150 Copper 3 Minute Potion Fear Road to Hopeport (4), Forest Clearing (4) None 60 Potion Reagents Bank
2 Faded Dandelion 67 412 Copper 165 Copper 3 Minute Potion Fear Mushroom Glade (4), Huntsman's Clearing (4) None 60 Potion Reagents Bank
4 Crooked Goat Horn 71 450 Copper 180 Copper
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
Bear Clearing (4), Two Headed Bear Clearing (4) Hand Rake 60 Bones Bank
6 Tad Apple 100 298 650 Copper 260 Copper 5% Potion XP Hopeforest Timberwell Side Road (3), Mr McGrish's Garden (3) None 60 Potion Reagents Bank
8 Valent Leek 79 315 525 Copper 210 Copper Basic Chicken and Leek Pie Thin Trail (4), Narrow Path (4) None 60 Ingredients Bank
10 Bulged Haleberries 84 334 585 Copper 225 Copper 5% Potion XP Hopeforest Berry Glade (4), Treeway Trail (4) None 60 Potion Reagents Bank
12 Yellowing Rams Horn 89 354 624 Copper 240 Copper
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
Quiet Grove (4), Cyclops Path (4) Hand Rake 60 Bones Bank
14 Shriveled Bitterfruit 94 375 ? 255 Copper Path of Good Intentions (4), Cliffside Path (4) None 60
16 Dewkin Chestnut 133 397 936 Copper 360 Copper +60 Potent Potion Strength Arborae Central Junction (3), Snakes Clearing (3) None 60 Potion Reagents Bank 38.3k/hr

(banking at rift in tangled path)

18 Streaky Bone Spike 106 421 741 Copper 285 Copper
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
Overgrown Trail (4), Crystal Clearing (4) Hand Rake 60 Bones Bank
20 Golbranth Beetroot 4 446 Spotted Mackibut on Toast Canopy Lane (Rotting Log) None Passive Ingredients Bank
22 White Tangfruit 118 315 Copper Secluded Path (4), Dryad Glade (4) None 60 N/A
25 Bristled Catkin 170 450 Copper +60 Potent Potion Strength Arborae None 60 Potion Reagents Bank
27 Slothful Bug 10 510 Silver Silver 5% Potion XP Hopeforest (passive) Central Crossroads (Thicket) Passive Potion Reagents Bank
30 Cracked Femur Shard 141 541 Silver 50 Copper 375 Copper
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
Gnarled Path (4), Wolves' Den (4) Hand Rake 60s Bones Bank
32 Brass Ancient Coin 11 562 Sold to Vencent Mushroom Grove (Soil Mound) Hand Rake Passive N/A
35 White Clover 152 595 413 Copper +60 Potent Potion Strength Cryonae None
38 Banded Leek 164 435 Copper Appetizing Chicken and Leek Pie Thin Trail (4), Narrow Path (4) None 60 Ingredients Bank
40 Strangle Shoot 13 655 Silver 600 Copper Silver 400 Copper 5% Potion XP Hopeforest (passive) Mine Road West (Aboredon Nest) Passive Potion Reagents Bank
43 Gray Goat Horn 181 694 473 Copper
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
Bear Clearing (4), Two Headed Bear Clearing (4) Hand Rake 60 Bones Bank
45 Feast Worms Leathery Bream

Black Bream

48 Sickle (grade 1) N/A N/A 122 Silver N/A Gatherer Tool Timberwell Supplies N/A N/A
48 Scepter Thistle 199 +60 Potent Potion Strength Cryonae Logging Area (6) Sickle 60 Potion Reagents Bank
50 Samuel's Lichen 15 794 300% Potion Wealth
53 Mottled Rams Horn 219
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
56 Tarang Beetroot Whitespot Mackibut on Toast
58 Yellow Tangfruit
61 Flat Snake Scale +60 Potent Potion Strength Tempestae
63 Blue Aboredon Egg 300% Potion Wealth
66 Dappled Bone Spike
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
68 Gnawed Sheep Rib
71 Purple Orchid +60 Potent Potion Strength Tempestae
74 Salt Beetle Moderate Potion Forensics
76 Gray Bitterfruit
79 Dusty Femur Shard 358
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
81 Kalb Beetroot Bluejack Mackibut on Toast
84 Violet Globeplant 6 Minute Potion Fear
86 Jaleg Stalks Moderate Potion Forensics
89 Pineshade Leek Fine Chicken and Leek Pie
92 Bronze Ancient Coin Sold to Vencent
94 Rigid Goat Horn 463
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
97 Sunshine Dandelion 6 Minute Potion Fear
99 Rundersham Hazelnut +2 Potion Boost Level
102 Green Tanglefruit
104 Flexhair Beetroot Streaked Mackibut on Toast
107 Myrtle Apple 824 6% Potion XP Hopeforest Timberwell Side Road (3), Mr McGrish's House (3) None 60 Potion Reagents Bank
110 Bitter Acorn +2 Potion Boost Level
111 Hand Rake (grade 2) Gatherer Tools
112 Sturdy Rams Horn 650 2619 990 Copper
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
Cyclops Path (4), Quiet Grove (4) Hand Rake 60 Bones Bank
115 Bistre Bone Spike 695 2775
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
Overgrown Trail (4), Crystal Clearing (4) Hand Rake 60 Bones Bank
117 Yellowing Sheep Rib
120 Blue Haleberries 794 3055 6% Potion XP Hopeforest Treeway Trail (4), Berry Glade (4) None 60 Potion Reagents Bank
122 Lowburrow Bug 6% Potion XP Hopeforest (passive)
125 Blotchy Bitterfruit 874 3364 N/A Silver 80 Copper Path of Good Intentions (4), Cliffside Path, (4) None 60 N/A
127 Pine Needle Worms Surf Bream

Graceful Bream

130 Weathered Femur Shard 916 3385
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
Gnarled Path (4), Wolves' Den (4) Hand Rake 60 Bones Bank
133 Brush Shoot 6% Potion XP Hopeforest (passive)
135 Hairy Dock Leaf 1040 4078 7% Potent Potion XP Hopeforest Peat Bog (4), North Peat Bog (4) Sickle 60 Potion Reagents Bank
138 Blue Tanglefruit 1123 4321 N/A Secluded Junction (4), Dryad Glade (4) None 60 N/A
140 Zing Beetroot Horse Mackibut on Toast
143 Glade Sage 1204 4757 7% Potent Potion XP Hopeforest Ferry South Shore (3), Himatik Ruins (5) Sickle 60 Potion Reagents Bank
144 Tier 2 Sickle Gatherer Tools
145 Pine Bug 7% Potion XP Hopeforest (passive)
148 Smooth Goat Horn
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
151 Pewter Ancient Coin Sold to Vencent
153 Glint Leek Tasty Chicken and Leek Pie
156 Lowbranch Chestnut +80 Potent Potion Strength Arborae
158 Oldclay Beetroot Chub Mackibut on Toast
161 Chunky Rams Horn
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
163 Stout Shoot 7% Potion XP Hopeforest (passive)
166 Pointed Bone Spike
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
169 Soily Sheep Rib
171 Fuzzy Catkin +80 Potent Potion Strength Arborae
174 Purple Tangfruit
176 Patch Lichen 400% Potion Wealth
179 Brilliant Globeplant 12 Minute Potion Fear
181 Red Worms Cream Bream

Gilt-Headed Bream

184 Striated Femur Shard
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
187 Stoneshell Aboredon Egg 400% Potion Wealth
189 Green Bitterfruit
192 Furtop Beetroot Blue Mackibut on Toast
194 Streaky Dandelion 12 Minute Potion Fear
197 Long Goat Horn
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
200 Star Beetle Strong Potion Forensics
208 Wondrous Leek Delicious Chicken and Leek Pie
216 Silver Ancient Coin Sold to Vencent
221 Tier 3 Hand Rake Gatherer Tools
224 Red Clover +80 Potent Potion Strength Cryonae
232 Kalinger Stalks Strong Potion Forensics
240 Pristine Rams Horn
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
248 Beacon Thistle +80 Potent Potion Strength Cryonae
256 Olgrave Beetroot Wahoo Mackibut on Toast
264 Red Tangfruit
272 Tigershell Hazelnut +4 Potion Boost Level
280 Jagged Bone Spike
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
288 Spare Sheep Rib
296 Patterned Snake Scale +80 Potent Potion Strength Tempestae
304 Sharp Femur Shard
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
312 Sweet Acorn +4 Potion Boost Level
320 Golden Leek Gourmet Chicken and Leek Pie
328 Volbarn Beetroot Etway Mackibut on Toast
336 Butterfly Orchid +80 Potent Potion Strength Tempestae
344 Blood Bug 8% Potion XP Hopeforest (passive)
353 Robust Gloat Horn
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
361 Golden Scrumptious Apple 8% Potion XP Hopeforest
369 Squirm Worms Brilliant Bream
377 Platinum Bitterfruit
385 Strong Shoot 8% Potion XP Hopeforest (passive)
393 Immaculate Rams Horn
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
401 Gold Ancient Coin Sold to Vencent
409 Ridged Haleberries 8% Potion XP Hopeforest
417 Sour Bug 10% Potion XP Hopeforest (passive)
425 Orange Tangfruit
433 Razor Bone Spike
B.R.E.W.S. Vat
441 Jamato Beetroot King Mackibut on Toast
449 Speckled Dock Leaf 10% Potent Potion XP Hopeforest
454 Sickle (grade 3) Gatherer Tools
457 Mist Shoot 10% Potion XP Hopeforest (passive)
465 Shimmering Tangfruit
473 Pristine Sheep Rib
Hexagon Charms
481 Mighthelm Sage 10% Potent Potion XP Hopeforest
490 Chunky Femur Shard
B.R.E.W.S. Vat


Required Level Unlocks Location Experience Per Action Time Per Action Experience Per Hour Profit per Hour Album Exp bonus
20 Golbranth Beetroot Canopy Lane (Rotting Log) 4 Silver 600 Copper 446
27 Slothful Bug Central Crossroads (Thicket) 10 Silver 510
32 Brass Ancient Coin Mushroom Grove (Soil Mound) 11 20s 1980 Silver 200 Copper 562
40 Strangle Shoot Mine Road West (Aboredon Nest) 13 20s 2340 Silver 400 Copper 655
45 Feast Worms Canopy Lane (Rotting Log) ?
50 Samuel's Lichen Central Crossroads (Thicket) 15 20s 2700 ? 794
56 Tarang Beetroot Canopy Lane (Rotting Log) ?
63 Blue Aboredon Egg Mine Road West (Aboredon Nest) ?
68 Gnawed Sheep Rib Mushroom Grove (Soil Mound) ?
74 Salt Beetle Central Crossroads (Thicket) ?
81 Kalb Beetroot Canopy Lane (Rotting Log) ?
86 Jaleg Stalks Mine Road West (Aboredon Nest) ?
92 Bronze Ancient Coin Mushroom Grove (Soil Mound) 20s ?
99 Rundersham Hazelnut Canopy Lane (Rotting Log) ?
104 Flexhair Beetroot Canopy Lane (Rotting Log)
110 Bitter Acorn Mushroom Grove (Soil Mound) ?
117 Yellowing Sheep Rib Mushroom Grove (Soil Mound) ?
122 Lowburrow Bug Central Crossroads (Thicket) ?
127 Pine Needle Worms Canopy Lane (Rotting Log) ?
133 Brush Shoot Mine Road West (Aboredon Nest) 20s ?
140 Zing Beetroot Canopy Lane (Rotting Log) ?
145 Pine Bug Central Crossroads (Thicket) ?
151 Pewter Ancient Coin Mushroom Grove (Soil Mound) 20s ?
158 Oldclay Beetroot Canopy Lane (Rotting Log) ?
163 Stout Shoot Mine Road West (Aboredon Nest) 20s ?
169 Soily Sheep Rib Mushroom Grove (Soil Mound) ?
176 Patch Lichen Central Crossroads (Thicket) 20s ?
181 Red Worms Canopy Lane (Rotting Log) ?
187 Stoneshell Aboredon Egg Mine Road West (Aboredon Nest) ?
192 Furtop Beetroot Canopy Lane (Rotting Log) ?
200 Star Beetle Central Crossroads (Thicket) ?
216 Silver Ancient Coin Mushroom Grove (Soil Mound) 20s ?
232 Kalinger Stalks Mine Road West (Aboredon Nest) ?
256 Olgrave Beetroot Canopy Lane (Rotting Log) ?
272 Tigershell Hazelnut Canopy Lane (Rotting Log) ?
288 Spare Sheep Rib Mushroom Grove (Soil Mound) ?
312 Sweet Acorn Mushroom Grove (Soil Mound) ?
328 Volbarn Beetroot Canopy Lane (Rotting Log) ?
344 Blood Bug Central Crossroads (Thicket) ?
369 Squirm Worms Canopy Lane (Rotting Log) ?
385 Strong Shoot Mine Road West (Aboredon Nest) 20s ?
401 Gold Ancient Coin Mushroom Grove (Soil Mound) 20s ?
417 Sour Bug Central Crossroads (Thicket) ?
441 Jamato Beetroot Canopy Lane (Rotting Log) ?
457 Mist Shoot Mine Road West (Aboredon Nest) 20s ?
473 Pristine Sheep Rib Mushroom Grove (Soil Mound) ?

Capes of Accomplishment

The Gatherer Cape is a group of equipment unlocked by achieving various milestones in leveling of the Gatherer profession and can be purchased from Daguer at The Cloakroom located in Hopeport.

Level Cape Cost
50 Journeyman Gatherer Cape 504 Silver
100 Adept Gatherer Cape Gold 290 Silver
200 Expert Gatherer Cape Gold 160 Silver
500 Ultimate Gatherer Cape Gold 360 Silver